Womens Blog


16 weeks 3 days currently on process

Guest_Barbiedll_* 25 Mar 2019

Mga sis help. Nasa kalagitnaan nko ng process oumutok na water ko but the head is still stuck. Its been 3 hrs na. Pls help.

Guest_Ira_* 25 Mar 2019

Mga sis help. Nasa kalagitnaan nko ng process oumutok na water ko but the head is still stuck. Its been 3 hrs na. Pls help.

Hi. you posted around 1am today how are you now? okay knba? ilang months kna? and how's the procedure?

Guest_Shabby_* 26 Mar 2019

Mga sis help. Nasa kalagitnaan nko ng process oumutok na water ko but the head is still stuck. Its been 3 hrs na. Pls help.

Hi sis. I hope everything went well sa procedure mo. Kamusta ka?

Guest_xara_* 26 Mar 2019

kamusta po miss ilang hours iri bagu lumabas?

lonelygirlxo's Photo lonelygirlxo 26 Mar 2019

musta po?

lonelygirlxo's Photo lonelygirlxo 26 Mar 2019

Mga sis help. Nasa kalagitnaan nko ng process oumutok na water ko but the head is still stuck. Its been 3 hrs na. Pls help.

musta po kayo?

Guest_Ms. CJ_* 20 Apr 2019

Mga sis help. Nasa kalagitnaan nko ng process oumutok na water ko but the head is still stuck. Its been 3 hrs na. Pls help.

Kamusta kna sis? Successful ba? 16 weeks and 15 dats na kasi tung tyan ko.

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