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#16185 miss ella latest clients 2016 story mife kit

Posted by guilty on 23 April 2016 - 10:56 PM in ABORTION PILLS IN THE PHILIPPINES

My experience? It's successful in the sense that it adheres to what is planned.

but the end result is painful...

too much painful to handle...
even exceeds to my pain threshold and tolerance...

i can stand the pain of the procedure...
but i can't stand the feeling left when he's gone...

11 weeks pregnant... before...
you can clearly see his little hands and feet, clearly defined fingers and toes
you can see his tiny long arms and legs
his developing facial features

i kissed him... smell him... felt sorry for him...
remorse and anger towards myself is what i felt
no matter how valid my reasons were...
i cant forgive myself for being selfish...
no one is to be blamed but myself...