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There have been 2 items by EthylPooge (Search limited from 29-September 23)

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#478952 MIFE KIT ( 11 -12 WEEKS)

Posted by EthylPooge on 09 January 2020 - 01:38 PM in ABORTION PILLS IN THE PHILIPPINES

28 days later one of my favourite films of all time great enjoyed every bit but the sequal was a let down 28 weeks later i just did not enjoy it realy anybody else think the same?

#472369 14 weeks pregnant - MIFE KIT (SUCCESSFUL)

Posted by EthylPooge on 19 October 2019 - 05:54 AM in ABORTION PILLS IN THE PHILIPPINES

Thanks girls,

the last thing i want to do is go through a long labour as they allow you to go 16 hours again then end up having an emergency c-section, my recovery was not great after that.

Im feeling a lot more positive about things now, its nice to not feel like your the only one x